Life and death is in the power of the tongue...we've all heard it. Or speak those things that are not as though they were. Even better, 'God has not given us the spirit of fear,'. We've heard different iterations of these bible scriptures again and again throughout our lives. But what do we do in that one moment when the "BIG ONE" happens when that big event that knocks you off your rocker of life will you deal with fear then?
I'll tell you what I did.
I cried. I laid down and did not want to deal with it. Then tried to figure out why, I was even dealing with it in the first place. My entire energy became focused on the fear. Eventually, I heard God say to me. "But I am the same God. I woke you up every morning between the 19th (when you tore your arteries) and the 27th when you were told you'd torn your arteries; I'm the same God. I'm the same God who woke you up in the hospital each morning with torn arteries from the 28th -31st. I am the same God. How does your knowing a little more about your 'condition' change who I am? I have ALWAYS known.
After being "clocked" (that's the trendy way to say put in your place) by God; I then started saying those same things out loud. He's the same God that woke me up on December 1st why would it be different now? My God is the God that has woken me up each day. I tell my patients to put non-verbal reminders in their environment to remind them of the thought change. I then encourage them to speak the new affirmation/replacement thought every time they see the non-verbal cue. My non-verbal was simply red checks on the calendar marking each morning I was blessed to see.