For most of my life, I've known I had a unique, special relationship with God, but for now, we'll stick to the present moment.
Remember a few days ago when I mentioned that I was afraid to sleep? And I gave myself the nonverbal cue of the red check mark to indicate how many mornings God has gifted me with by waking me up. Well, my last check mark was on the morning of January 8th. Why? You ask it's because of "Overflow." (and my 13-day headache finally broke)
Now let me back up a bit to January 5th, the first Sunday of the New Year. Like many, my family piled in our car and made our way over to our favorite place to Worship and the message that day was "Overflow". The minister stated that those who believe that God is who God says he is should expect "Overflow" not just in our finances, but in all circumstances, situations, and matters of life. She went on to do a couple of illustrations before the congregants of what God meant by "Overflow" in the passages where the word appears in the Bible.
This was such a powerful message that even our 10-year-old stood up, clapping in praise a few times. I believed it when I heard it. I walked out, we went on with our Sunday, and I know I must have spoken about how I was delivered from my fear of sleep at least three times when asked about my current situation with my neck.
The next day, Monday, January 6th came and we prepared just as we had the last few days since I'd been home from the hospital. The children were given their assignments for the day and I was left to make phone calls and try to get appointments with new doctors. In the middle of the day, I reached one of the major medical entities in my area and the random customer service representative was so sweet, she heard my request laced with why I have no clue which type of specialty I'm looking for but this is what I'd been told by 'word on the street is I need a ______ -ologist". We laughed and she found one who was reportedly really good and hard to get into and "just so happened to have an opening tomorrow at 3:30 PM." I took it! While I was on the phone with her, my aunt was texting. She'd had dinner with a friend who worked in the same field but didn't have the specialty we were looking for. He'd suggested I see one specialist in particular and provided us with his name. I called back to the same medical entity to see if this named specialist we'd gotten the specific referral to, had openings anytime soon, because I could possibly wait a week, but I couldn't wait a month. The random customer service representative listened to my rationale for even looking after just booking an appointment for the next day minutes before and looked anyway. Viola! It seemed to be that this one specialist in particular whose name we were provided did in fact have one opening for "tomorrow" he said, "at 2:30 PM."
Now, both of these appointments being available was shocking, and I can say it was a coincidence. Or I can give it to God and label it as it is—overflow, signs and wonders. My Aunt and I discussed how to make the decision on which to choose, and when it came down to it, we went with the one whose name had been called out specifically, set apart to do good work in me.
"They were convinced by the power of miraculous signs and wonders and by the power of God's Spirit. In this way,I have fully presented the Good News" of Christ from Jerusalem all the way to Illyricum." (Romans 15:19)