I slept!!!...Like really slept. Swaddled infant,curled up with a blankie toddler slept!! Thank you for all that prayed for me. I will say here, and I've messaged you each personally how I intrinsically feel your prayers changing my trajectory. Thank you.
Last night, I feel asleep about 1:40 am (yeah, I know that's technically this morning) and woke up at 8:27 am. That's almost seven uninterrupted hours of good, deep sleep. And I feel amazing-ish. Well as close to amazing as you can feel waking up with a daily headache.
So, Today I woke up with a headache, it was less intense than the previous days (probably because I was able to sleep) and began subsiding before I started the medication regimen. Herb asked as I walked out to begin my morning routine, "On a scale of 1 to 10 where would you wake your headache this morning?" And after thinking for a minute. I'd have to say it was a legit 4. It diminished to a 2 before meds and after a little while I was operating at a 1! I haven't been a 1 in so many days, I can't remember the last time I was a 1. But that scaling told us something, it was revealing to both Herb and I in different ways.
That scaling told Herb that I'd soon be able to sleep through the night and be able to not adhere to the unrealistic goal of waking up at 4 am in the hopes of staving off a headache.
It told me that it would be nice to do a morning check-in each day and ask myself, "On a Scale of 1 to 10, where are you today? Would you like to stay at this number or do we need to do some work to make that number shift a bit?
I think I'll start asking that question on IG every day starting tomorrow.
Note: The Scale 1 to 10 is the medical scale they ask at the doctor's office or in a medical situation where 1 = no hurt/pain at all and 10 = the worst hurt/pain you've ever experienced.